What is the VRP's vision?

    Across West Yorkshire, we will work together to prevent violence and to reduce its harmful impact. We will do this by strengthening our partnerships, working with our communities, developing our understanding of the causes of violence and delivering interventions that make a lasting difference.

    What are the VRP's priorities?

    The work programme for the VRP is shaped through us developing understanding of the West Yorkshire context and evidence base and direction of our overarching priorities and commitments. This incorporates data analysis from across organisations, consultation with communities and a review of evidence-based practice for tackling violent crime and its causes. 

    Our seven overarching priorities are:

    1. Criminal Justice and Reducing Re-offending: Reducing the risk of young people entering the criminal justice system and reducing reoffending.
    2. Domestic and Sexual Abuse: Supporting families affected by domestic and sexual violence and abuse.
    3. Complex Needs and A&E attendance: Supporting people to move away from violent lifestyles, providing support with some of the complex needs that make many frequent attenders in Emergency Departments.
    4. Education: Promoting meaningful engagement in education.
    5. Violence Against Women and Girls: Creating an environment where women and girls can feel safe and be safe.
    6. Local solutions through co-production: Working with communities to develop locally based initiatives.
    7. Adversity, Trauma, Resilience: Reducing adversity and ensuring a trauma informed approach throughout partner’s work.

    Where can I find out more about the work of the VRP?