How long will the works last?

    Approximately 12 months.

    Are there any alternate car parking arrangements?

    Works will be phased to make available a reduced number of car parking spaces.

    Will the works affect my train service?

    No, no train services will be disrupted by these works.

    Will there be a charge for parking once the car park reopens?

    No, it is the policy of the Combined Authority not to charge for parking at rail station car parks, to promote the use of public transport.

    Why are you doing these works?

    Pre-Covid the car park was full each morning and we anticipate usage will return to these levels in the coming months.

    What are the phases of the works?

    Phase 1 involves works to the land adjacent to Lower Station Road.

    Following the completion of phase 1 this will be open to users as the rest of the car park will be closed during phase 2.

    Will the train station be open throughout?

    Yes, the train station is unaffected by the works.

    Will there be any overnight working?

    Yes, there will be some overnight working, however this will take place close to the track.