Bus Reform

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Thank you to all those who took part in our recent consultation on the way buses are run in West Yorkshire.

Our full Consultation Response report is now available to view, including the consultation summary provided by external agency, DJS Research.

The information below was presented during the public consultation between 10 October 2023 and 7 January 2024.

On 14 March 2024, the Mayor of West Yorkshire took the decision to bring buses back under local control by introducing the Proposed Franchising Scheme. You can read the full story here.

Have your say on how buses are run in West Yorkshire

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) believes it needs to change the way local buses are run to achieve our ambitions for better buses in West Yorkshire. This webpage gives you details about our proposals and how you can get involved.

This consultation runs from 10 October 2023 to 7 January 2024

Buses are the most used form of public transport in West Yorkshire, with over 1.7 million bus journeys taken each week – but the number of passenger journeys are in long term decline and the industry faces many challenges with the way buses are currently run.

The Combined Authority believes that the way local buses are run needs to change to improve the local bus system for our communities who rely on it. The information in this consultation explains why the Combined Authority recommends bus franchising is the right way to do this, based on its assessment of the Proposed Franchising Scheme.

The Consultation Document sets out our plan for franchising in West Yorkshire and how this could be introduced. It also explores an alternative option we assessed, the Enhanced Partnership Plus (EP+), which details what else the Combined Authority and bus operators could do to improve local buses through the current legal framework. These two bus reform options are compared to the way buses are currently run, the Enhanced Partnership Reference Case (EP Reference Case).

This consultation will inform a decision by the Mayor of West Yorkshire on whether or not to introduce the Proposed Franchising Scheme in March 2024.

Should the Mayor make the decision to introduce franchising then buses in the region would be under the control of the Combined Authority. That means we would set the routes, frequency, fares and overall standards of buses in our region.

The Combined Authority wants to hear your views.

All information can be found in The Consultation Document (Link, opens in new tab)

To answer some of your questions and queries, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). You will also find the legal requirements for this consultation within our FAQs.

Have your say

This consultation is open to all individuals or organisations. We want your views, whether you currently use the bus or not.

We are asking for your feedback and suggest two steps.

To help answer any initial queries you have, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The FAQs also tell you where you can find paper reference copies of the Consultation Document in your local area.

  • Step 2: Tell us what you think by completing our online consultation questionnaire or alternatively sending us your response by email or letter.

The consultation is open between 10 October 2023 and 7 January 2024.

The consultation questions

There are two versions of the consultation questionnaire:

  • The short version contains 10 questions which are set out throughout the Executive Summary (see section 1) and are focussed on key areas discussed in the Consultation Document. A full list of these questions is also available in the printable section on this page. If you choose to answer this short version you should find all the information you need included in the Executive Summary.

  • The long version contains 47 questions which are set out throughout the Consultation Document following the Executive Summary. A full list of these questions is also available in the printable section on this page. The long version may be more appropriate for respondents who have a good level of knowledge and interest in the bus market and how it runs, as it contains more questions, some of which are more complex in nature.

You are welcome to fill out whichever questionnaire you wish, and you don’t have to answer all the questions.

Have your say on how West Yorkshire's buses are run- image

Sharing feedback about specific bus journeys or services

This consultation is not intended to capture operational West Yorkshire bus issues such as reliability, frequency, requests for new routes etc. For any general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here.


We hosted a series of face-to-face events as part of this consultation. At the events, you had the opportunity to ask your own questions to the project team and pick up copies of the consultation questionnaire.

Drop in events:

All our drop in events have now finished. The locations and dates we visited can be found in our FAQs.

We are hosting five presentation events where you can learn more about the proposals for bus reform, how to have your say on how you think buses should be run, and ask us any questions.

The events will run for 90 minutes and include:

  • Welcome by a local Councillor responsible for transport engagement.

  • Video presentation from the Combined Authority’s Executive Director of Transport – providing an overview of the Bus Reform consultation.

  • Q&As with Combined Authority officers – facilitated by DJS Research

Presentation events dates and times:

LocationDateTimeRegistration Link
Bradford City Hall23 November 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Bradford City Hall23 November 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Halifax Town Hall27 November 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Halifax Town Hall27 November 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Leeds Central Library4 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Leeds Central Library4 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Huddersfield Hudawi Centre5 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Huddersfield Hudawi Centre5 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Wakefield Town Hall8 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Wakefield Town Hall8 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened

Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Registration is essential, and spaces are available on a first-come first-served basis.


We will also be hosting some online webinars as part of this consultation. During the webinars you will have the opportunity to hear about the consultation and ask your own questions to the project team.

Webinar dates and times:

  • Wednesday 8 November; 5pm- 6pm; Already taken place
  • Tuesday 5 December; 5pm- 6pm; Already taken place

If you are unable to access our events and would like to chat to a member of the project team, please contact us using the contact information below.

Contact us

To give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation questionnaire via the link above. If you have any questions, need to respond in a different way or require consultation materials in a different format, you can get in touch with us via:

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

What happens next:

All responses will be received and processed by the Combined Authority and shared with DJS Research to be analysed as part of the consultation process.

All feedback will be considered by the Combined Authority and the Mayor. The Mayor’s decision on whether or not to make the Proposed Franchising Scheme is currently expected in March 2024.

Please see our FAQ: What happens next for more information.

Thank you to all those who took part in our recent consultation on the way buses are run in West Yorkshire.

Our full Consultation Response report is now available to view, including the consultation summary provided by external agency, DJS Research.

The information below was presented during the public consultation between 10 October 2023 and 7 January 2024.

On 14 March 2024, the Mayor of West Yorkshire took the decision to bring buses back under local control by introducing the Proposed Franchising Scheme. You can read the full story here.

Have your say on how buses are run in West Yorkshire

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the Combined Authority) believes it needs to change the way local buses are run to achieve our ambitions for better buses in West Yorkshire. This webpage gives you details about our proposals and how you can get involved.

This consultation runs from 10 October 2023 to 7 January 2024

Buses are the most used form of public transport in West Yorkshire, with over 1.7 million bus journeys taken each week – but the number of passenger journeys are in long term decline and the industry faces many challenges with the way buses are currently run.

The Combined Authority believes that the way local buses are run needs to change to improve the local bus system for our communities who rely on it. The information in this consultation explains why the Combined Authority recommends bus franchising is the right way to do this, based on its assessment of the Proposed Franchising Scheme.

The Consultation Document sets out our plan for franchising in West Yorkshire and how this could be introduced. It also explores an alternative option we assessed, the Enhanced Partnership Plus (EP+), which details what else the Combined Authority and bus operators could do to improve local buses through the current legal framework. These two bus reform options are compared to the way buses are currently run, the Enhanced Partnership Reference Case (EP Reference Case).

This consultation will inform a decision by the Mayor of West Yorkshire on whether or not to introduce the Proposed Franchising Scheme in March 2024.

Should the Mayor make the decision to introduce franchising then buses in the region would be under the control of the Combined Authority. That means we would set the routes, frequency, fares and overall standards of buses in our region.

The Combined Authority wants to hear your views.

All information can be found in The Consultation Document (Link, opens in new tab)

To answer some of your questions and queries, please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). You will also find the legal requirements for this consultation within our FAQs.

Have your say

This consultation is open to all individuals or organisations. We want your views, whether you currently use the bus or not.

We are asking for your feedback and suggest two steps.

To help answer any initial queries you have, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The FAQs also tell you where you can find paper reference copies of the Consultation Document in your local area.

  • Step 2: Tell us what you think by completing our online consultation questionnaire or alternatively sending us your response by email or letter.

The consultation is open between 10 October 2023 and 7 January 2024.

The consultation questions

There are two versions of the consultation questionnaire:

  • The short version contains 10 questions which are set out throughout the Executive Summary (see section 1) and are focussed on key areas discussed in the Consultation Document. A full list of these questions is also available in the printable section on this page. If you choose to answer this short version you should find all the information you need included in the Executive Summary.

  • The long version contains 47 questions which are set out throughout the Consultation Document following the Executive Summary. A full list of these questions is also available in the printable section on this page. The long version may be more appropriate for respondents who have a good level of knowledge and interest in the bus market and how it runs, as it contains more questions, some of which are more complex in nature.

You are welcome to fill out whichever questionnaire you wish, and you don’t have to answer all the questions.

Have your say on how West Yorkshire's buses are run- image

Sharing feedback about specific bus journeys or services

This consultation is not intended to capture operational West Yorkshire bus issues such as reliability, frequency, requests for new routes etc. For any general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here.


We hosted a series of face-to-face events as part of this consultation. At the events, you had the opportunity to ask your own questions to the project team and pick up copies of the consultation questionnaire.

Drop in events:

All our drop in events have now finished. The locations and dates we visited can be found in our FAQs.

We are hosting five presentation events where you can learn more about the proposals for bus reform, how to have your say on how you think buses should be run, and ask us any questions.

The events will run for 90 minutes and include:

  • Welcome by a local Councillor responsible for transport engagement.

  • Video presentation from the Combined Authority’s Executive Director of Transport – providing an overview of the Bus Reform consultation.

  • Q&As with Combined Authority officers – facilitated by DJS Research

Presentation events dates and times:

LocationDateTimeRegistration Link
Bradford City Hall23 November 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Bradford City Hall23 November 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Halifax Town Hall27 November 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Halifax Town Hall27 November 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Leeds Central Library4 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Leeds Central Library4 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Huddersfield Hudawi Centre5 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Huddersfield Hudawi Centre5 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened
Wakefield Town Hall8 December 202314:00- 15:30This event has already happened
Wakefield Town Hall8 December 202317:30- 19:00This event has already happened

Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Registration is essential, and spaces are available on a first-come first-served basis.


We will also be hosting some online webinars as part of this consultation. During the webinars you will have the opportunity to hear about the consultation and ask your own questions to the project team.

Webinar dates and times:

  • Wednesday 8 November; 5pm- 6pm; Already taken place
  • Tuesday 5 December; 5pm- 6pm; Already taken place

If you are unable to access our events and would like to chat to a member of the project team, please contact us using the contact information below.

Contact us

To give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation questionnaire via the link above. If you have any questions, need to respond in a different way or require consultation materials in a different format, you can get in touch with us via:

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

What happens next:

All responses will be received and processed by the Combined Authority and shared with DJS Research to be analysed as part of the consultation process.

All feedback will be considered by the Combined Authority and the Mayor. The Mayor’s decision on whether or not to make the Proposed Franchising Scheme is currently expected in March 2024.

Please see our FAQ: What happens next for more information.

Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about the consultation or project, let us know below.

Please note, your user name and question will be visible to others, so please don't include any personal details.

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  • Share Does the bus reform mean there would be more services ru ning through south elmsall to pontefract & a service to barnsley. Would there be more bus companies running too on Facebook Share Does the bus reform mean there would be more services ru ning through south elmsall to pontefract & a service to barnsley. Would there be more bus companies running too on Twitter Share Does the bus reform mean there would be more services ru ning through south elmsall to pontefract & a service to barnsley. Would there be more bus companies running too on Linkedin Email Does the bus reform mean there would be more services ru ning through south elmsall to pontefract & a service to barnsley. Would there be more bus companies running too link

    Does the bus reform mean there would be more services ru ning through south elmsall to pontefract & a service to barnsley. Would there be more bus companies running too

    Joanne costello asked 9 months ago
    Thank you for your question on the bus network. 

    Both the Enhanced Partnership Plus and Proposed Franchising Scheme have been modelled on the existing network and there are no significant initial changes planned for the network.

    If the Proposed Franchising Scheme is taken forward it would give the Combined Authority more control over the setting of routes and services which could create opportunities for altering the bus network to better suit customer needs.

    If the Enhanced Partnership Plus is taken forward, operators have proposed a Network Management Group to better understand issues across the network and to make more collective network decisions.
  • Share Where can we get the financial report of bus companies? I am thinking the control mechanism of reasonable profit of bus companies is important. It is because bus companies need to operate with profit, otherwise they will withdraw or cannot pay the salaries to the bus drivers. I think we should have two ways of thinking. First, how to reduce all the waste, such as empty bus; second, how to increase their income, but not from the passengers. on Facebook Share Where can we get the financial report of bus companies? I am thinking the control mechanism of reasonable profit of bus companies is important. It is because bus companies need to operate with profit, otherwise they will withdraw or cannot pay the salaries to the bus drivers. I think we should have two ways of thinking. First, how to reduce all the waste, such as empty bus; second, how to increase their income, but not from the passengers. on Twitter Share Where can we get the financial report of bus companies? I am thinking the control mechanism of reasonable profit of bus companies is important. It is because bus companies need to operate with profit, otherwise they will withdraw or cannot pay the salaries to the bus drivers. I think we should have two ways of thinking. First, how to reduce all the waste, such as empty bus; second, how to increase their income, but not from the passengers. on Linkedin Email Where can we get the financial report of bus companies? I am thinking the control mechanism of reasonable profit of bus companies is important. It is because bus companies need to operate with profit, otherwise they will withdraw or cannot pay the salaries to the bus drivers. I think we should have two ways of thinking. First, how to reduce all the waste, such as empty bus; second, how to increase their income, but not from the passengers. link

    Where can we get the financial report of bus companies? I am thinking the control mechanism of reasonable profit of bus companies is important. It is because bus companies need to operate with profit, otherwise they will withdraw or cannot pay the salaries to the bus drivers. I think we should have two ways of thinking. First, how to reduce all the waste, such as empty bus; second, how to increase their income, but not from the passengers.

    Daniel S asked 9 months ago
    Thank you for your question about financial reports of bus companies. Buses in West Yorkshire are mainly run by private operators, and therefore they have responsibilities like other companies around financial reporting in line with the Companies Act 2006. For any further information on financial reports of any individual bus operator we would advise you to contact them directly. These reports do not form part of the Bus Reform Assessment, but the results of modelling for the Bus Reform Assessment take into account specific information provided to us through a data request to bus companies.  

    Please note that the Bus Reform Consultation closed on 7 January for formal responses, however we are happy to respond to questions and comments.
  • Share What is being do to improve the reliability of of day time buses and specifically how cancelled buses are communicated. This is an issue in suburban areas with people stranded when a couple of buses do not show. on Facebook Share What is being do to improve the reliability of of day time buses and specifically how cancelled buses are communicated. This is an issue in suburban areas with people stranded when a couple of buses do not show. on Twitter Share What is being do to improve the reliability of of day time buses and specifically how cancelled buses are communicated. This is an issue in suburban areas with people stranded when a couple of buses do not show. on Linkedin Email What is being do to improve the reliability of of day time buses and specifically how cancelled buses are communicated. This is an issue in suburban areas with people stranded when a couple of buses do not show. link

    What is being do to improve the reliability of of day time buses and specifically how cancelled buses are communicated. This is an issue in suburban areas with people stranded when a couple of buses do not show.

    Jude asked 9 months ago
    Hello. Thank you for your question on the reliability of buses and how cancellations are communicated. These issues are recognised in the Strategic Case as customer issues and experiences that need improving. Under both Bus Reform options, Enhanced Partnership Plus and Franchising, it is planned that there will be more streamlined customer service. Improving priority for buses on our roads (Bus Priority) is also identified within the Assessment as a key challenge to customers. It should be noted that Bus Reform is focussed primarily on governance, and that under any option we will have to continue to work with additional capital investment and policy levers to improve reliability across the network. More details outlining these challenges and how bus reform will address them can be found in the Strategic Case section of the Executive Summary. 

    Please note that the Bus Reform Consultation closed on 7 January for formal responses, however we are happy to respond to questions and comments.
  • Share Re the questions and information There are no spaces or places for respondents answers on Facebook Share Re the questions and information There are no spaces or places for respondents answers on Twitter Share Re the questions and information There are no spaces or places for respondents answers on Linkedin Email Re the questions and information There are no spaces or places for respondents answers link

    Re the questions and information There are no spaces or places for respondents answers

    Max McMurdo asked 9 months ago


    You can respond to the questions via the online questionnaire by following this LINK

  • Share why is questionaire not downloading on Facebook Share why is questionaire not downloading on Twitter Share why is questionaire not downloading on Linkedin Email why is questionaire not downloading link

    why is questionaire not downloading

    Margery Deveaux asked 9 months ago

    We are sorry you are experiencing difficulty downloading the questionnaire. The online questionnaire should not require downloading, please use this LINK

  • Share We need a reliable service . The service we have now is appalling. I use the bus service every day for work . So many buses are cancelled last minute . I have to get a taxi on Sundays as buses don’t start early enough . Also bank holidays . Most people work weekends . And need a reliable service . Also we need drivers that are helpful and show some respect to passengers. Elderly are missing out as bus routes are being changed /cancelled on Facebook Share We need a reliable service . The service we have now is appalling. I use the bus service every day for work . So many buses are cancelled last minute . I have to get a taxi on Sundays as buses don’t start early enough . Also bank holidays . Most people work weekends . And need a reliable service . Also we need drivers that are helpful and show some respect to passengers. Elderly are missing out as bus routes are being changed /cancelled on Twitter Share We need a reliable service . The service we have now is appalling. I use the bus service every day for work . So many buses are cancelled last minute . I have to get a taxi on Sundays as buses don’t start early enough . Also bank holidays . Most people work weekends . And need a reliable service . Also we need drivers that are helpful and show some respect to passengers. Elderly are missing out as bus routes are being changed /cancelled on Linkedin Email We need a reliable service . The service we have now is appalling. I use the bus service every day for work . So many buses are cancelled last minute . I have to get a taxi on Sundays as buses don’t start early enough . Also bank holidays . Most people work weekends . And need a reliable service . Also we need drivers that are helpful and show some respect to passengers. Elderly are missing out as bus routes are being changed /cancelled link

    We need a reliable service . The service we have now is appalling. I use the bus service every day for work . So many buses are cancelled last minute . I have to get a taxi on Sundays as buses don’t start early enough . Also bank holidays . Most people work weekends . And need a reliable service . Also we need drivers that are helpful and show some respect to passengers. Elderly are missing out as bus routes are being changed /cancelled

    Debra Turner asked 9 months ago
    Hello, thank you for your comments of the reliability of services. Many of the issues you have raised are challenges acknowledged in the Strategic Case of the Bus Reform Assessment, recognising that inconsistency and reliability is one of the reasons why people may think bus reform is necessary.

    If you would like to have your say on how buses are run, we would encourage you to review our consultation material and complete one of the questionnaires. To provide any more general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here Bus Operators | Metro (wymetro.com) 
  • Share The bus stop round the corner to me as no time when bus is coming or how long to wait for one. It would be ideal if there was a time on it. on Facebook Share The bus stop round the corner to me as no time when bus is coming or how long to wait for one. It would be ideal if there was a time on it. on Twitter Share The bus stop round the corner to me as no time when bus is coming or how long to wait for one. It would be ideal if there was a time on it. on Linkedin Email The bus stop round the corner to me as no time when bus is coming or how long to wait for one. It would be ideal if there was a time on it. link

    The bus stop round the corner to me as no time when bus is coming or how long to wait for one. It would be ideal if there was a time on it.

    Naseem asked 9 months ago
    Hello, thank you for your question. This consultation is focused on the way bus are run regionwide, rather than capturing feedback about specific bus stop infrastructure. However, we recognise frustration with inconsistent service information and recognise this is one of the reasons why people may think bus reform is necessary. 

    If you would like to have your say on how buses are run, we would encourage you to review our consultation material and complete one of the questionnaires. To provide any more general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here Bus Operators | Metro (wymetro.com) 
  • Share So I'm not sure about other areas but when are buses going back to every 10 mins or a timetable suitable for needs in Bradford. For example buses every 10mins between peak times. Buses are getting so full. I get 576 from Bradford and it takes me 2 hours from rooley lane to Tesco's Great Horton and I could walk it in 45 mins. What can be done about this ?? And I'm sure I'm not the only person on Facebook Share So I'm not sure about other areas but when are buses going back to every 10 mins or a timetable suitable for needs in Bradford. For example buses every 10mins between peak times. Buses are getting so full. I get 576 from Bradford and it takes me 2 hours from rooley lane to Tesco's Great Horton and I could walk it in 45 mins. What can be done about this ?? And I'm sure I'm not the only person on Twitter Share So I'm not sure about other areas but when are buses going back to every 10 mins or a timetable suitable for needs in Bradford. For example buses every 10mins between peak times. Buses are getting so full. I get 576 from Bradford and it takes me 2 hours from rooley lane to Tesco's Great Horton and I could walk it in 45 mins. What can be done about this ?? And I'm sure I'm not the only person on Linkedin Email So I'm not sure about other areas but when are buses going back to every 10 mins or a timetable suitable for needs in Bradford. For example buses every 10mins between peak times. Buses are getting so full. I get 576 from Bradford and it takes me 2 hours from rooley lane to Tesco's Great Horton and I could walk it in 45 mins. What can be done about this ?? And I'm sure I'm not the only person link

    So I'm not sure about other areas but when are buses going back to every 10 mins or a timetable suitable for needs in Bradford. For example buses every 10mins between peak times. Buses are getting so full. I get 576 from Bradford and it takes me 2 hours from rooley lane to Tesco's Great Horton and I could walk it in 45 mins. What can be done about this ?? And I'm sure I'm not the only person

    Eddie asked 9 months ago
    Hello, thank you for your question. This consultation is focused on the way bus are run regionwide, rather than capturing feedback about specific services or other operational issues. However, we recognise the need for a bus network that works better for customers in West Yorkshire and this is referenced in the Strategic Case of the Assessment for Bus Reform. 

    If you would like to have your say on how buses are run, we would encourage you to review our consultation material and complete one of the questionnaires. To provide any more general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here Bus Operators | Metro (wymetro.com) 
  • Share When will the 195 be sorted instead of missing or not turning up at all in ryhill it’s no fair how people who live In the area have to fork out for taxis or even try and find a lift from someone to get them places and when emailing arriva about it all we get is petty excuses that it’s because their training drivers up or it’s to do with the buses . I’ve been stood in Wakefield bus station a high number of times and seen over 10 drivers just stood talking to each other or eating food or on their phones I’ve even seen drivers say on the bus on their phone when it shows the bus is due on the board it’s about time something was done about this because it’s not on at all and I’m even considering getting a petition up against arriva because of this the same goes for 195 been taken off because of the school run when in reality a bus could be put on just for the school and 195 for normal passengers but Arriva don’t even consider this . I am classed as disabled and my only point of transport is public transport yet there’s times I’ve had to rely on taxis because of I’ve been stood over an hour waiting for a bus and none turning up . This is beyond a joke and it needs sorting on Facebook Share When will the 195 be sorted instead of missing or not turning up at all in ryhill it’s no fair how people who live In the area have to fork out for taxis or even try and find a lift from someone to get them places and when emailing arriva about it all we get is petty excuses that it’s because their training drivers up or it’s to do with the buses . I’ve been stood in Wakefield bus station a high number of times and seen over 10 drivers just stood talking to each other or eating food or on their phones I’ve even seen drivers say on the bus on their phone when it shows the bus is due on the board it’s about time something was done about this because it’s not on at all and I’m even considering getting a petition up against arriva because of this the same goes for 195 been taken off because of the school run when in reality a bus could be put on just for the school and 195 for normal passengers but Arriva don’t even consider this . I am classed as disabled and my only point of transport is public transport yet there’s times I’ve had to rely on taxis because of I’ve been stood over an hour waiting for a bus and none turning up . This is beyond a joke and it needs sorting on Twitter Share When will the 195 be sorted instead of missing or not turning up at all in ryhill it’s no fair how people who live In the area have to fork out for taxis or even try and find a lift from someone to get them places and when emailing arriva about it all we get is petty excuses that it’s because their training drivers up or it’s to do with the buses . I’ve been stood in Wakefield bus station a high number of times and seen over 10 drivers just stood talking to each other or eating food or on their phones I’ve even seen drivers say on the bus on their phone when it shows the bus is due on the board it’s about time something was done about this because it’s not on at all and I’m even considering getting a petition up against arriva because of this the same goes for 195 been taken off because of the school run when in reality a bus could be put on just for the school and 195 for normal passengers but Arriva don’t even consider this . I am classed as disabled and my only point of transport is public transport yet there’s times I’ve had to rely on taxis because of I’ve been stood over an hour waiting for a bus and none turning up . This is beyond a joke and it needs sorting on Linkedin Email When will the 195 be sorted instead of missing or not turning up at all in ryhill it’s no fair how people who live In the area have to fork out for taxis or even try and find a lift from someone to get them places and when emailing arriva about it all we get is petty excuses that it’s because their training drivers up or it’s to do with the buses . I’ve been stood in Wakefield bus station a high number of times and seen over 10 drivers just stood talking to each other or eating food or on their phones I’ve even seen drivers say on the bus on their phone when it shows the bus is due on the board it’s about time something was done about this because it’s not on at all and I’m even considering getting a petition up against arriva because of this the same goes for 195 been taken off because of the school run when in reality a bus could be put on just for the school and 195 for normal passengers but Arriva don’t even consider this . I am classed as disabled and my only point of transport is public transport yet there’s times I’ve had to rely on taxis because of I’ve been stood over an hour waiting for a bus and none turning up . This is beyond a joke and it needs sorting link

    When will the 195 be sorted instead of missing or not turning up at all in ryhill it’s no fair how people who live In the area have to fork out for taxis or even try and find a lift from someone to get them places and when emailing arriva about it all we get is petty excuses that it’s because their training drivers up or it’s to do with the buses . I’ve been stood in Wakefield bus station a high number of times and seen over 10 drivers just stood talking to each other or eating food or on their phones I’ve even seen drivers say on the bus on their phone when it shows the bus is due on the board it’s about time something was done about this because it’s not on at all and I’m even considering getting a petition up against arriva because of this the same goes for 195 been taken off because of the school run when in reality a bus could be put on just for the school and 195 for normal passengers but Arriva don’t even consider this . I am classed as disabled and my only point of transport is public transport yet there’s times I’ve had to rely on taxis because of I’ve been stood over an hour waiting for a bus and none turning up . This is beyond a joke and it needs sorting

    Gaz asked 9 months ago
    Hello, thank you for your question. This consultation is focused on the way bus are run regionwide, rather than capturing feedback about specific services or other operational issues. However, we recognise frustration with inconsistent bus services which is one of the reasons why people may think bus reform is necessary.

    If you would like to have your say on how buses are run, we would encourage you to review our consultation material and complete one of the questionnaires. To provide any more general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here Bus Operators | Metro (wymetro.com) 
  • Share Can 231/232 be a route that includes the 425 so it can be a double decker route as the route gets full easily in the mornings and evenings. on Facebook Share Can 231/232 be a route that includes the 425 so it can be a double decker route as the route gets full easily in the mornings and evenings. on Twitter Share Can 231/232 be a route that includes the 425 so it can be a double decker route as the route gets full easily in the mornings and evenings. on Linkedin Email Can 231/232 be a route that includes the 425 so it can be a double decker route as the route gets full easily in the mornings and evenings. link

    Can 231/232 be a route that includes the 425 so it can be a double decker route as the route gets full easily in the mornings and evenings.

    Richard Nuttall asked 9 months ago
    Hello, thank you for your question. This consultation is focused on the way bus are run regionwide, rather than capturing feedback about specific services or other operational issues. However, we recognise frustration with busy services such as the one you reference in your question. 

    If you would like to have your say on how buses are run, we would encourage you to review our consultation material and complete one of the questionaires. To provide any more general bus feedback, queries or complaints, you can contact Metro through their website or call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676. Alternatively, you can contact bus operators directly. Operator contact information can be found online here Bus Operators | Metro (wymetro.com) 
Page last updated: 19 Mar 2024, 05:53 PM