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Useless ‘live’ tracker strikes again

Just got screwed over once again by the absolute waste of time and money that is the ‘live’ tracker. Waiting for the 549 (Brighouse to Halifax): I watched the tracker count down from 5 minutes to ‘due’….no bus. I waited 10 minutes past ‘due’….no bus, and it has now disappeared entirely from the tracker. The next bus was (allegedly) due in 22 minutes, so with the original bus apparently having skipped, I set off home to wait in the meantime, 12 minutes after the apparently invisible bus had been and gone according to the tracker. AND THE 549 DROVE PAST. Whilst I was in between bus stops 🙄

WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE TRACKER THAT DOESNT TRACK?! It only misleads. It’s an absolute joke.

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