West Yorkshire Housing Strategy

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Please note that this consultation has now closed. Thank you for taking part. Responses have been analysed and you can read the outcome report here.

You can now read our West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040 which was published in Spring 2024, and a summary of the strategy is available here.

The following information was presented during the engagement period 8th November 2023 - 13th December 2023.

Mayor Tracy Brabin with an apprentice on an affordable housing development site Purpose

We want your feedback on our draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040. We would like to know whether you agree with our priorities and objectives.

The development of a West Yorkshire Housing Strategy represents an opportunity to present a regional strategy which links to and mirrors our wider strategy focus on inclusive growth, productivity, skills and training, connectivity, transport, digital, climate change, and health.


Our existing housing strategy and policy position was established in the Housing and Regeneration Strategy 2014 and developed in the Leeds City Region Housing Vision 2019. Since the Housing Vision was established, the Combined Authority has seen significant changes including securing the 2020 devolution deal and electing the first Mayor of West Yorkshire. Also, there have been significant changes in national policy and the housing market that have had a big impact on how we operate.

In addition, the Mayor and five West Yorkshire Local Authority leaders launched the West Yorkshire Plan 2040 in June 2023. The West Yorkshire Plan sets out the collective ambitions of the Combined Authority and Local Authorities across 5 missions that collectively aim to achieve the vision for ‘a brighter West Yorkshire’.

The Role of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority

The West Yorkshire Housing Strategy supports and aligns with the plans and strategies of our partners, including our five local authorities, and is wholly focused on adding value to work already underway at a local level by our local authority, private and third sector partners.

As a Combined Authority, our role is to establish a clear mission and the strategic direction for housing delivery in West Yorkshire which our partners can get behind and actively support. We continue to do this by developing an evidence base on housing needs, development and quality across the region. We engage with our residents, partners and wider stakeholders to understand the challenges they face.

Our understanding of need and demand will also shape our message to central government, as many powers relating to housing sit at the national level. At a local level, our strategic direction will draw on and complement the statutory functions that our local authority partners have under their planning and housing powers.

The direction that we set out in this Housing Strategy will guide and shape the projects and programmes we invest in to support our partners to deliver for the people of West Yorkshire.

You can read more about what we have done so far here.

Our Mission Statement

The Mission Statement for the Housing Strategy has been developed with our partners and sets out our overarching ambition to 2040.

Our ambition is to create safe and inclusive places to live that meet the needs of our residents.

We will do this by working with our partners to deliver sustainable and affordable homes in well-connected communities where people choose to live.

Ensuring that West Yorkshire is a place we are proud to call home.

Our Objectives

The draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy sets out four objectives that address some of the key housing challenges identified across the region. These are:

  1. Boosting the supply of the right homes in the right places

  1. Improving the quality of our homes and neighbourhoods

  1. Increasing the provision of truly affordable homes

  1. Creating homes that meet the needs of our communities

Our Guiding Principles

Our draft Housing Strategy has two guiding principles that should inform our activity under each objective. These are aligned to the cross cutting aims of the Combined Authority. You can read more here.

The first guiding principle is SUSTAINABILITY. We want to create and grow sustainable and well-connected neighbourhoods contributing to the net-zero carbon ambitions of our region.

The second guiding principle is EQUALITY AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH. We want to create a diverse housing offer across the region, reflecting and responding to the needs of our communities.

How could people share their views?

We have attached a full slide deck of the draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy to this consultation page so that people could have a read through all of the evidence we have used to shape our current thinking, as well as how our mission statement, objectives, outcomes and guiding principles all fit together.

The West Yorkshire Housing Strategy has been developed through an evidence-led process and in full consultation with our partners. We have shared our progress with the people of West Yorkshire and gather views on how we can improve the strategy. That is why, instead of presenting a final document for comment, we shared our outline plans and our evidence base so to engage in a full consultation process.

People could share their views by completing the survey, writing, calling, or asking a question.

Contact us

If you wish to contact us regarding this consultation or need support to take part, you can do so using the following methods.

E-mail: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk


Telephone: 0113 245 7676 (MetroLine)

Please note that this consultation has now closed. Thank you for taking part. Responses have been analysed and you can read the outcome report here.

You can now read our West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040 which was published in Spring 2024, and a summary of the strategy is available here.

The following information was presented during the engagement period 8th November 2023 - 13th December 2023.

Mayor Tracy Brabin with an apprentice on an affordable housing development site Purpose

We want your feedback on our draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040. We would like to know whether you agree with our priorities and objectives.

The development of a West Yorkshire Housing Strategy represents an opportunity to present a regional strategy which links to and mirrors our wider strategy focus on inclusive growth, productivity, skills and training, connectivity, transport, digital, climate change, and health.


Our existing housing strategy and policy position was established in the Housing and Regeneration Strategy 2014 and developed in the Leeds City Region Housing Vision 2019. Since the Housing Vision was established, the Combined Authority has seen significant changes including securing the 2020 devolution deal and electing the first Mayor of West Yorkshire. Also, there have been significant changes in national policy and the housing market that have had a big impact on how we operate.

In addition, the Mayor and five West Yorkshire Local Authority leaders launched the West Yorkshire Plan 2040 in June 2023. The West Yorkshire Plan sets out the collective ambitions of the Combined Authority and Local Authorities across 5 missions that collectively aim to achieve the vision for ‘a brighter West Yorkshire’.

The Role of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority

The West Yorkshire Housing Strategy supports and aligns with the plans and strategies of our partners, including our five local authorities, and is wholly focused on adding value to work already underway at a local level by our local authority, private and third sector partners.

As a Combined Authority, our role is to establish a clear mission and the strategic direction for housing delivery in West Yorkshire which our partners can get behind and actively support. We continue to do this by developing an evidence base on housing needs, development and quality across the region. We engage with our residents, partners and wider stakeholders to understand the challenges they face.

Our understanding of need and demand will also shape our message to central government, as many powers relating to housing sit at the national level. At a local level, our strategic direction will draw on and complement the statutory functions that our local authority partners have under their planning and housing powers.

The direction that we set out in this Housing Strategy will guide and shape the projects and programmes we invest in to support our partners to deliver for the people of West Yorkshire.

You can read more about what we have done so far here.

Our Mission Statement

The Mission Statement for the Housing Strategy has been developed with our partners and sets out our overarching ambition to 2040.

Our ambition is to create safe and inclusive places to live that meet the needs of our residents.

We will do this by working with our partners to deliver sustainable and affordable homes in well-connected communities where people choose to live.

Ensuring that West Yorkshire is a place we are proud to call home.

Our Objectives

The draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy sets out four objectives that address some of the key housing challenges identified across the region. These are:

  1. Boosting the supply of the right homes in the right places

  1. Improving the quality of our homes and neighbourhoods

  1. Increasing the provision of truly affordable homes

  1. Creating homes that meet the needs of our communities

Our Guiding Principles

Our draft Housing Strategy has two guiding principles that should inform our activity under each objective. These are aligned to the cross cutting aims of the Combined Authority. You can read more here.

The first guiding principle is SUSTAINABILITY. We want to create and grow sustainable and well-connected neighbourhoods contributing to the net-zero carbon ambitions of our region.

The second guiding principle is EQUALITY AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH. We want to create a diverse housing offer across the region, reflecting and responding to the needs of our communities.

How could people share their views?

We have attached a full slide deck of the draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy to this consultation page so that people could have a read through all of the evidence we have used to shape our current thinking, as well as how our mission statement, objectives, outcomes and guiding principles all fit together.

The West Yorkshire Housing Strategy has been developed through an evidence-led process and in full consultation with our partners. We have shared our progress with the people of West Yorkshire and gather views on how we can improve the strategy. That is why, instead of presenting a final document for comment, we shared our outline plans and our evidence base so to engage in a full consultation process.

People could share their views by completing the survey, writing, calling, or asking a question.

Contact us

If you wish to contact us regarding this consultation or need support to take part, you can do so using the following methods.

E-mail: yourvoice@westyorks-ca.gov.uk


Telephone: 0113 245 7676 (MetroLine)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for feedback on our Housing Strategy.

    Please give us your views by completing this survey. It will take about 5 minutes.

    Our Privacy Notice can be read here.

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Page last updated: 12 Jul 2024, 11:20 AM