CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

If you have any questions about the consultation or project, let us know below.

Please note, your user name and question will be visible to others, so please don't include any personal details.

  • Share I commented on the width of the two way cycle lanes and the hard edge that they had been given in the previous proposals, and pointed out that they reduced considerably the useable width of the lane as you cannot cycle close to a hard edge, unlike a painted line. The two way cycle lanes were already rather narrow. Have these comments been addressed in the current designs? It is not possible to tell this from the plans. on Facebook Share I commented on the width of the two way cycle lanes and the hard edge that they had been given in the previous proposals, and pointed out that they reduced considerably the useable width of the lane as you cannot cycle close to a hard edge, unlike a painted line. The two way cycle lanes were already rather narrow. Have these comments been addressed in the current designs? It is not possible to tell this from the plans. on Twitter Share I commented on the width of the two way cycle lanes and the hard edge that they had been given in the previous proposals, and pointed out that they reduced considerably the useable width of the lane as you cannot cycle close to a hard edge, unlike a painted line. The two way cycle lanes were already rather narrow. Have these comments been addressed in the current designs? It is not possible to tell this from the plans. on Linkedin Email I commented on the width of the two way cycle lanes and the hard edge that they had been given in the previous proposals, and pointed out that they reduced considerably the useable width of the lane as you cannot cycle close to a hard edge, unlike a painted line. The two way cycle lanes were already rather narrow. Have these comments been addressed in the current designs? It is not possible to tell this from the plans. link

    I commented on the width of the two way cycle lanes and the hard edge that they had been given in the previous proposals, and pointed out that they reduced considerably the useable width of the lane as you cannot cycle close to a hard edge, unlike a painted line. The two way cycle lanes were already rather narrow. Have these comments been addressed in the current designs? It is not possible to tell this from the plans.

    Bike1 asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    Wherever possible cycle lanes will be designed in accordance with the guidance set out in LTN1/20. Site constraints and widths may mean that this is not possible in all places. 

    If the decision is made to progress the project then this is one of the things that will be detailed before a final design is completed.

  • Share Please can you confirm that the traffic flow decreases (3 cars per minute) for station road take into consideration there is only one lane available as opposed to the previous arrangement. Surely if the amount of cars only reduces by three per minute, but the road capacity has reduced by 50%, there will be greater congestion in this area ? on Facebook Share Please can you confirm that the traffic flow decreases (3 cars per minute) for station road take into consideration there is only one lane available as opposed to the previous arrangement. Surely if the amount of cars only reduces by three per minute, but the road capacity has reduced by 50%, there will be greater congestion in this area ? on Twitter Share Please can you confirm that the traffic flow decreases (3 cars per minute) for station road take into consideration there is only one lane available as opposed to the previous arrangement. Surely if the amount of cars only reduces by three per minute, but the road capacity has reduced by 50%, there will be greater congestion in this area ? on Linkedin Email Please can you confirm that the traffic flow decreases (3 cars per minute) for station road take into consideration there is only one lane available as opposed to the previous arrangement. Surely if the amount of cars only reduces by three per minute, but the road capacity has reduced by 50%, there will be greater congestion in this area ? link

    Please can you confirm that the traffic flow decreases (3 cars per minute) for station road take into consideration there is only one lane available as opposed to the previous arrangement. Surely if the amount of cars only reduces by three per minute, but the road capacity has reduced by 50%, there will be greater congestion in this area ?

    S J Readman asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting touch, 

    Yes, the traffic modelling takes the reduction to one lane into account.

  • Share Overall, the plans are OK. But in increasingly scorching Summers not only do trees provide shade, cooler temperatures and support nature, but trees and greenery are a quintessential part of Harrogate's character. So why are there so few new trees being proposed? I would suggest at least doubling the eight proposed for north end of Station Parade, plus lining Albert Street (no trees proposed at present and turning the Station Square into something of a green oasis rather than just boring paving. Also, the legend just shows a blank empty white box for cycle stands and heritage lighting columns. Is this intended? Where will the stands and lighting columns be located? Also, the legend doesn't seem to indicate what the little circles among the paving represent, nor the lines in which they are situated - I may have missed it. Thanks, Joel on Facebook Share Overall, the plans are OK. But in increasingly scorching Summers not only do trees provide shade, cooler temperatures and support nature, but trees and greenery are a quintessential part of Harrogate's character. So why are there so few new trees being proposed? I would suggest at least doubling the eight proposed for north end of Station Parade, plus lining Albert Street (no trees proposed at present and turning the Station Square into something of a green oasis rather than just boring paving. Also, the legend just shows a blank empty white box for cycle stands and heritage lighting columns. Is this intended? Where will the stands and lighting columns be located? Also, the legend doesn't seem to indicate what the little circles among the paving represent, nor the lines in which they are situated - I may have missed it. Thanks, Joel on Twitter Share Overall, the plans are OK. But in increasingly scorching Summers not only do trees provide shade, cooler temperatures and support nature, but trees and greenery are a quintessential part of Harrogate's character. So why are there so few new trees being proposed? I would suggest at least doubling the eight proposed for north end of Station Parade, plus lining Albert Street (no trees proposed at present and turning the Station Square into something of a green oasis rather than just boring paving. Also, the legend just shows a blank empty white box for cycle stands and heritage lighting columns. Is this intended? Where will the stands and lighting columns be located? Also, the legend doesn't seem to indicate what the little circles among the paving represent, nor the lines in which they are situated - I may have missed it. Thanks, Joel on Linkedin Email Overall, the plans are OK. But in increasingly scorching Summers not only do trees provide shade, cooler temperatures and support nature, but trees and greenery are a quintessential part of Harrogate's character. So why are there so few new trees being proposed? I would suggest at least doubling the eight proposed for north end of Station Parade, plus lining Albert Street (no trees proposed at present and turning the Station Square into something of a green oasis rather than just boring paving. Also, the legend just shows a blank empty white box for cycle stands and heritage lighting columns. Is this intended? Where will the stands and lighting columns be located? Also, the legend doesn't seem to indicate what the little circles among the paving represent, nor the lines in which they are situated - I may have missed it. Thanks, Joel link

    Overall, the plans are OK. But in increasingly scorching Summers not only do trees provide shade, cooler temperatures and support nature, but trees and greenery are a quintessential part of Harrogate's character. So why are there so few new trees being proposed? I would suggest at least doubling the eight proposed for north end of Station Parade, plus lining Albert Street (no trees proposed at present and turning the Station Square into something of a green oasis rather than just boring paving. Also, the legend just shows a blank empty white box for cycle stands and heritage lighting columns. Is this intended? Where will the stands and lighting columns be located? Also, the legend doesn't seem to indicate what the little circles among the paving represent, nor the lines in which they are situated - I may have missed it. Thanks, Joel

    JST asked almost 2 years ago
    Thank you for getting in touch.

    The project aims to improve biodiversity within this part of the town centre and introduce measures that help to mitigate climate change. As you say trees have many benefits. So, we are proposing to plant an additional 15 trees. The location, and therefore number, of these are informed by our knowledge of below-ground utilities and the amount of space available. We will seek to increase the number of trees if more information suggests this is possible.

    The existing cycle stands by Harrogate Theatre will remain. Cycle stands are proposed in Station Square between the road and the vents to the west and at the south end of the square. Also, west of the railway line at One Arch. New stands are proposed on Station Bridge, the northern section of Station Parade  We are also exploring options for additional cycle storage at the railway station. The existing heritage columns on Station Square and the east side of One Arch will be retained. 

    The white circles/squares are a fault in the PDF and should match the surrounding paving.
  • Share Why are you pressing ahead against local opposition,you represent the local community,do you not? on Facebook Share Why are you pressing ahead against local opposition,you represent the local community,do you not? on Twitter Share Why are you pressing ahead against local opposition,you represent the local community,do you not? on Linkedin Email Why are you pressing ahead against local opposition,you represent the local community,do you not? link

    Why are you pressing ahead against local opposition,you represent the local community,do you not?

    Rpec asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    We are currently consulting with the public and stakeholders on the scheme design. We have previously carried out two consultations, the first of which showed support for the principle of the scheme we are consulting on currently. We acknowledge that not all members of the community are supportive of all aspects of the scheme proposals but feedback to date suggests lots of people are, hence why the scheme has got to this stage. It should be noted that the Harrogate Congestion Study consultation also highlighted a public preference for more sustainable transport infrastructure. 

    Once the current round of consultation is over, we will analyse the results, amend the scheme where necessary and recommend a way forward to the NYCC cabinet to make a decision upon.

  • Share Have you considered where bikes will be parked? What are your security measures? on Facebook Share Have you considered where bikes will be parked? What are your security measures? on Twitter Share Have you considered where bikes will be parked? What are your security measures? on Linkedin Email Have you considered where bikes will be parked? What are your security measures? link

    Have you considered where bikes will be parked? What are your security measures?

    Simon asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    Cycle parking will be provided at Station Square and One Arch, and should be covered by CCTV in the area. Additionally, we are working with Northern Rail to develop proposals for additional cycle parking at the station.

  • Share Horrendous idea, harrogate is already very difficult and slow to drive around this will only result in a lot more congestion on parliament street which at present is terrible for traffic. Another point regarding the cylists Is that if you live in harrogate the last thing you’re going to do is cycle through to town centre when we have stunning country roads to cycle down Money would be far better spent improving the roads as they are absolutely riddled with pot holes to the point where I have kerbed alloys on my car and nearly fallen off of my motorbike. I cannot see the need for money being on changing an area of road which works perfectly fine, helps reduce congestion, provides lots of parking, everyone who drives down that road travels slowly so there’s no risk to pedestrians I could go on and on. This is a complete waste of tax payers money!! on Facebook Share Horrendous idea, harrogate is already very difficult and slow to drive around this will only result in a lot more congestion on parliament street which at present is terrible for traffic. Another point regarding the cylists Is that if you live in harrogate the last thing you’re going to do is cycle through to town centre when we have stunning country roads to cycle down Money would be far better spent improving the roads as they are absolutely riddled with pot holes to the point where I have kerbed alloys on my car and nearly fallen off of my motorbike. I cannot see the need for money being on changing an area of road which works perfectly fine, helps reduce congestion, provides lots of parking, everyone who drives down that road travels slowly so there’s no risk to pedestrians I could go on and on. This is a complete waste of tax payers money!! on Twitter Share Horrendous idea, harrogate is already very difficult and slow to drive around this will only result in a lot more congestion on parliament street which at present is terrible for traffic. Another point regarding the cylists Is that if you live in harrogate the last thing you’re going to do is cycle through to town centre when we have stunning country roads to cycle down Money would be far better spent improving the roads as they are absolutely riddled with pot holes to the point where I have kerbed alloys on my car and nearly fallen off of my motorbike. I cannot see the need for money being on changing an area of road which works perfectly fine, helps reduce congestion, provides lots of parking, everyone who drives down that road travels slowly so there’s no risk to pedestrians I could go on and on. This is a complete waste of tax payers money!! on Linkedin Email Horrendous idea, harrogate is already very difficult and slow to drive around this will only result in a lot more congestion on parliament street which at present is terrible for traffic. Another point regarding the cylists Is that if you live in harrogate the last thing you’re going to do is cycle through to town centre when we have stunning country roads to cycle down Money would be far better spent improving the roads as they are absolutely riddled with pot holes to the point where I have kerbed alloys on my car and nearly fallen off of my motorbike. I cannot see the need for money being on changing an area of road which works perfectly fine, helps reduce congestion, provides lots of parking, everyone who drives down that road travels slowly so there’s no risk to pedestrians I could go on and on. This is a complete waste of tax payers money!! link

    Horrendous idea, harrogate is already very difficult and slow to drive around this will only result in a lot more congestion on parliament street which at present is terrible for traffic. Another point regarding the cylists Is that if you live in harrogate the last thing you’re going to do is cycle through to town centre when we have stunning country roads to cycle down Money would be far better spent improving the roads as they are absolutely riddled with pot holes to the point where I have kerbed alloys on my car and nearly fallen off of my motorbike. I cannot see the need for money being on changing an area of road which works perfectly fine, helps reduce congestion, provides lots of parking, everyone who drives down that road travels slowly so there’s no risk to pedestrians I could go on and on. This is a complete waste of tax payers money!!

    Mr Ch asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    The funding for this scheme is restricted to major capital infrastructure improvements rather than day-to-day maintenance. The scheme is to encourage more people to walk and cycle, not just for leisure, but also for work. Surveys suggest that there is a significant number of people who would like to do so but are put off because it doesn't feel safe. This scheme will provide safe cycle routes. If more people choose to switch mode of transport then it reduces the number of cars on the road for those who aren't able or do not wish to do so.

  • Share You seem to be fairly convinced that cycling into the town centre for work/limited shopping will suddenly take off after your "improvements". After taking into account previous questions about the higher average age in Harrogate, have you also taken into account that this is the north of England and most of the weather we get is cold and rain (excepting the most recent summers). This will put anybody off cycling to the town centre. People also need to bring bags/ documents/computers to the office, cycling isn't really an option, especially when you need to wear smart clothes in an office environment which is the majority of jobs in a town centre. I'm not sure many people would relish the thought of cycling to work in the cold /rain after getting ready/made up. It all just seems a little badly thought out and seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the govts green agenda. on Facebook Share You seem to be fairly convinced that cycling into the town centre for work/limited shopping will suddenly take off after your "improvements". After taking into account previous questions about the higher average age in Harrogate, have you also taken into account that this is the north of England and most of the weather we get is cold and rain (excepting the most recent summers). This will put anybody off cycling to the town centre. People also need to bring bags/ documents/computers to the office, cycling isn't really an option, especially when you need to wear smart clothes in an office environment which is the majority of jobs in a town centre. I'm not sure many people would relish the thought of cycling to work in the cold /rain after getting ready/made up. It all just seems a little badly thought out and seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the govts green agenda. on Twitter Share You seem to be fairly convinced that cycling into the town centre for work/limited shopping will suddenly take off after your "improvements". After taking into account previous questions about the higher average age in Harrogate, have you also taken into account that this is the north of England and most of the weather we get is cold and rain (excepting the most recent summers). This will put anybody off cycling to the town centre. People also need to bring bags/ documents/computers to the office, cycling isn't really an option, especially when you need to wear smart clothes in an office environment which is the majority of jobs in a town centre. I'm not sure many people would relish the thought of cycling to work in the cold /rain after getting ready/made up. It all just seems a little badly thought out and seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the govts green agenda. on Linkedin Email You seem to be fairly convinced that cycling into the town centre for work/limited shopping will suddenly take off after your "improvements". After taking into account previous questions about the higher average age in Harrogate, have you also taken into account that this is the north of England and most of the weather we get is cold and rain (excepting the most recent summers). This will put anybody off cycling to the town centre. People also need to bring bags/ documents/computers to the office, cycling isn't really an option, especially when you need to wear smart clothes in an office environment which is the majority of jobs in a town centre. I'm not sure many people would relish the thought of cycling to work in the cold /rain after getting ready/made up. It all just seems a little badly thought out and seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the govts green agenda. link

    You seem to be fairly convinced that cycling into the town centre for work/limited shopping will suddenly take off after your "improvements". After taking into account previous questions about the higher average age in Harrogate, have you also taken into account that this is the north of England and most of the weather we get is cold and rain (excepting the most recent summers). This will put anybody off cycling to the town centre. People also need to bring bags/ documents/computers to the office, cycling isn't really an option, especially when you need to wear smart clothes in an office environment which is the majority of jobs in a town centre. I'm not sure many people would relish the thought of cycling to work in the cold /rain after getting ready/made up. It all just seems a little badly thought out and seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the govts green agenda.

    Matt Ward asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    Age and weather are not necessarily barriers to walking and cycling, especially with the increasing popularity of ebikes. Whilst some people may not want to cycle in these conditions, others might find it an opportunity to do more exercise. Private business are increasingly investing in safe cycle storage and changing facilities to make it easier for people to travel to work. The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden have very similar climates to the north of England, which does not appear to deter people from walking and cycling.

  • Share Where have all the trucks and commercial vehicles travelling south gone. on Facebook Share Where have all the trucks and commercial vehicles travelling south gone. on Twitter Share Where have all the trucks and commercial vehicles travelling south gone. on Linkedin Email Where have all the trucks and commercial vehicles travelling south gone. link

    Where have all the trucks and commercial vehicles travelling south gone.

    DavidS asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    Trucks and other commercial vehicles will be able to use the road network travelling south in the same way as other vehicles will. You can read more about the anticipated impacts on traffic here: Supporting Information | Harrogate Station Gateway | Your Voice (

  • Share Have you investigated the impact on other roads through the town such as Cold Bath Road, Victoria road and Beach Grove as part of your traffic assessment? on Facebook Share Have you investigated the impact on other roads through the town such as Cold Bath Road, Victoria road and Beach Grove as part of your traffic assessment? on Twitter Share Have you investigated the impact on other roads through the town such as Cold Bath Road, Victoria road and Beach Grove as part of your traffic assessment? on Linkedin Email Have you investigated the impact on other roads through the town such as Cold Bath Road, Victoria road and Beach Grove as part of your traffic assessment? link

    Have you investigated the impact on other roads through the town such as Cold Bath Road, Victoria road and Beach Grove as part of your traffic assessment?

    IW asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.

    The traffic modelling for the scheme considers the impacts on the wider town centre, which includes traffic travelling from or to these areas.

  • Share I walk up and down Otley Road almost daily and different times of the day and over the last three months can count the number of cyclists using the new expensive cycle ways on one hand. The whole idea is a complete white elephant and no more expenditure should be allowed. on Facebook Share I walk up and down Otley Road almost daily and different times of the day and over the last three months can count the number of cyclists using the new expensive cycle ways on one hand. The whole idea is a complete white elephant and no more expenditure should be allowed. on Twitter Share I walk up and down Otley Road almost daily and different times of the day and over the last three months can count the number of cyclists using the new expensive cycle ways on one hand. The whole idea is a complete white elephant and no more expenditure should be allowed. on Linkedin Email I walk up and down Otley Road almost daily and different times of the day and over the last three months can count the number of cyclists using the new expensive cycle ways on one hand. The whole idea is a complete white elephant and no more expenditure should be allowed. link

    I walk up and down Otley Road almost daily and different times of the day and over the last three months can count the number of cyclists using the new expensive cycle ways on one hand. The whole idea is a complete white elephant and no more expenditure should be allowed.

    DavidS asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    Since Otley Road was originally designed the government has issued cycle design guidance called LTN 1/20 (please click for further information).

    This scheme has been designed to follow this guidance and aligns with the council’s Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans.