Compton Road (Harehills) bus stop improvements

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Please note this information has been updated as of October 2020 to reflect the construction of the scheme and close of the engagement. You can find the final report of the engagement here.

About the scheme:

The bus stops on Compton Road adjacent to the Compton Road Library are used by a large number of bus passengers and the current footway and infrastructure provision is both narrow and in poor condition and thus there is an opportunity to enhance passenger’s experience at this location, to include better waiting facilities such as upgraded ‘green’ shelters, real time information provision and better wider pedestrian provision.

A large number of people use the bus stop outside residential properties on the eastern side of Compton Road. The pavement is so narrow that if there is a queue at the respective bus stop, passing pedestrians have to step out on to the carriageway to get past. Widening of the pavement to accommodate a bus shelter will not only improve the waiting environment for bus passengers but provide a better, safer walking environment for pedestrians.

The scheme provides an enhanced and safer layout of the existing bus stop provision and improves the customer experience on Compton Road, by improving the overall environment, waiting facilities and travel information.

The main proposals for this location are to:

  • Provide additional bus stop shelter provision;

  • Widen footways to provide a better environment for bus passengers;

  • Provide an enhanced bus stop and provision with real time information; and

  • Relocate the informal pedestrian crossing facilities adjacent to the Sutherland Road junction.

The aims of the scheme are to:

  • Contribute to an overall increase patronage on public transport by improving the waiting environment and travel information provision;

  • Provide enhanced and safe pedestrian routes to the bus stops in this location; and

  • Contribute to an overall improvement in air quality and environmental impacts in the district by encouraging more people to use the bus

Disruption management during construction:

As the construction works are being undertaken, traffic management measures will be implemented to keep both members of the public and construction workers safe whilst keeping disruption to a minimum. The works will mainly take place on weekdays between 09.30 and 15.30 to allow for traffic volumes to reduce and some may be undertaken on weekends to reduce disruption further.

Please note this information has been updated as of October 2020 to reflect the construction of the scheme and close of the engagement. You can find the final report of the engagement here.

About the scheme:

The bus stops on Compton Road adjacent to the Compton Road Library are used by a large number of bus passengers and the current footway and infrastructure provision is both narrow and in poor condition and thus there is an opportunity to enhance passenger’s experience at this location, to include better waiting facilities such as upgraded ‘green’ shelters, real time information provision and better wider pedestrian provision.

A large number of people use the bus stop outside residential properties on the eastern side of Compton Road. The pavement is so narrow that if there is a queue at the respective bus stop, passing pedestrians have to step out on to the carriageway to get past. Widening of the pavement to accommodate a bus shelter will not only improve the waiting environment for bus passengers but provide a better, safer walking environment for pedestrians.

The scheme provides an enhanced and safer layout of the existing bus stop provision and improves the customer experience on Compton Road, by improving the overall environment, waiting facilities and travel information.

The main proposals for this location are to:

  • Provide additional bus stop shelter provision;

  • Widen footways to provide a better environment for bus passengers;

  • Provide an enhanced bus stop and provision with real time information; and

  • Relocate the informal pedestrian crossing facilities adjacent to the Sutherland Road junction.

The aims of the scheme are to:

  • Contribute to an overall increase patronage on public transport by improving the waiting environment and travel information provision;

  • Provide enhanced and safe pedestrian routes to the bus stops in this location; and

  • Contribute to an overall improvement in air quality and environmental impacts in the district by encouraging more people to use the bus

Disruption management during construction:

As the construction works are being undertaken, traffic management measures will be implemented to keep both members of the public and construction workers safe whilst keeping disruption to a minimum. The works will mainly take place on weekdays between 09.30 and 15.30 to allow for traffic volumes to reduce and some may be undertaken on weekends to reduce disruption further.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this short survey to provide your feedback on the Compton Road bus stop improvements proposals. 

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Page last updated: 07 Oct 2020, 04:58 PM