What is the real time bus information service?

    Real time bus information is provided by Yournextbus, which is Metro's bus departure times service. It uses GPS satellite technology to track the location of buses in West and South Yorkshire.

    This means you can find out the scheduled or real-time for any bus, at any stop.

    You can get bus departure times online - on mobile, tablet & desktop - or by text message.

    Is the real time bus information service free?

    The cost will depend on your mobile phone service provider, your contract and which method you use.

    • Internet Access - We make no charge for this service. Your internet provider’s normal data charges may apply.
    • Text Message - A text message is charged at your standard outbound rate plus a maximum of 12p for the returned text.

    Does the West Yorkshire Combined Authority make any money from the text service?

    West Yorkshire Combined Authority takes no revenue at all from the receipt or generation of text messages. We make no money or profit from this service. We pay to provide this service.

    What is the West Yorkshire Combined Authority?

    The Combined Authority was formed in April 2014 to be the driving force for economic growth across Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield. In 2021, Tracy Brabin was elected Mayor of West Yorkshire. As the Chair of the Combined Authority, the Mayor works with partners across the region and beyond to deliver regeneration and economic development, and co-ordinate the long-term programmes that will transform. The Combined Authority also develops local transport throughout West Yorkshire under the well-known brand Metro. To find out more visit: www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk  

    What is the connection between Metro and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority?

    Metro is the well-known transport brand owned by the Combined Authority. The name Metro and the Metro ‘M’ logo are the symbols for transport across West Yorkshire, including bus stations, bus stops and shelters and the county’s 69 rail stations. Travel centres, the MetroLine call centre, the Metro website and the ‘yournextbus’ real-time service are also part of the Metro Brand. To find out more visit: www.wymetro.com

    What is the West Yorkshire Bus Information Strategy?

    The Bus Information Strategy fulfils the requirements of the Transport Act 2000 in determining what bus information should be made available to the public and the way in which it should be made available. The Bus Information Strategy is part of the West Yorkshire Transport Plan and covers the whole of West Yorkshire – Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

    What is the QR (Quick Response) Code/NFC (Near Field Communication) tag?

    At the base of every timetable case at a bus stop or shelter you will see a credit card with a QR (Quick Response) Code/NFC (Near Field Communication) icon. By scanning either of these with a smartphone, it will automatically link to live times of all buses arriving at the stop.

    For more information visit https://www.wymetro.com/qrandnfc/

    What are the other real time options available?

     Online - Smartphone/Internet users can access yournextbus through https://www.wymetro.com/buses/your-next-bus/  


    You will then need to enter the bus stop number starting with 450, which can be found on the bus stop flag and the bus timetable display. The information displayed will automatically refresh so it constantly gives you live updates of the progress of your bus.

    Why should I take part in this engagement?

    You should take part in this engagement to help us understand who is using the real time text messaging service and share your views on the service.

    What happens next?

    We will analyse all of the feedback and will use this to inform the next steps for the real time information project.

    When will you decide if you will withdraw the text message service?

    If we do withdraw the text message service, we will look at all alternative services and will ensure that we promote those alternative services to people who the service.   If we do withdraw the service, we will give at least 6 months' notice of the withdrawal.