Round 2 of this consultation is live 4 November 2021- 19 December 2021:

Please note that this public consultation has now closed.
Thank you to all those who took part in the 'West Halifax Improved Streets for people' consultation. All survey answers, comments and suggestions are being considered in the next phase of designs, which will be subject to further public consultation.
Please find the Outcome Report, which summarises the results of the consultation and key themes in feedback received, available at the top of this webpage or by clicking the button below.

The information below was presented during the public consultation between Monday 15 March to Sunday 25 April 2021.
Calderdale Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, are working together to deliver improvements to walking in West Halifax which aim to benefit residents, businesses and visitors alike.
Options being considered include traffic calming measures, and general improvements to pavements and public space, which will help make streets in West Halifax greener, healthier and more attractive.
As well as providing an easier and safer environment for walking and improving walking links to workplaces and other services in Halifax town centre, these changes will encourage more local journeys on foot. A range of other improvements such as tree planting, seating areas, better access to bus stops and new crossing points will also complement the scheme. Changes to existing road layouts and bus priority enhancements will also be considered to make bus journeys more efficient.
The project is part of the Leeds City Region Transforming Cities Fund (TCF), a major new programme of investment that aims to create a step change in travel across the West Yorkshire region. Elements of the project are also funded by investment from the Local Transport Plan.
This is an early consultation in which we are seeking your feedback on initial ideas. This will help shape the development of more detailed proposals which will be brought back for further public consultation later in 2021.
Through this project, we want to:
- Improve health, through increased walking and improved sense of safety
- Improve local businesses, through increased footfall
- Increase opportunities, through better bus and walking connections to Halifax town centre and employment, study and onward travel opportunities
- Improve pollution and carbon emissions associated with transport, helping to address climate change
- Improve bus reliability and facilities on key routes
- Improve road safety for all users within scheme area, especially vulnerable users
- Improve streetscapes and public realm in Park Ward to encourage more active and sociable lifestyles
What has been done so far
In September 2020, Calderdale Council conducted a ‘Streets for People’ engagement survey with residents of West Halifax to find out how people felt about getting around the streets in their area. Inconsiderate driving was the biggest problem named for the area and 70% of people who answered the survey said these were also other major problems:
- Speeding and anti-social driving
- Inconsiderate parking, including on pavements.
- People also said they felt unsafe, especially after dark
The top suggestions for improvements people would like to see were:
- Cleaner streets, including general maintenance and cleaning, and clearing overgrown footpaths
- More and better crossings
- Preventing pavement parking
- Better street lighting
- More benches and places to rest
The proposals are presented in seven ‘Zone’ locations which are featured in the map below. On this webpage you will find information including plans and pictures to help you understand what is proposed. We have also provided answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which you can find on this project webpage. The Zones we are consulting on are:
Zone 1: Pellon Lane Area near Aldi and Beech Hill
Zone 2: The bottom end of Hanson Lane and the Gibbet Street section by Jamia Mosque Madni
Zone 3: Gibbet Street from Rhodes Street towards Town
Zone 4 (a): Queens Road ‘High Street’
Zone 4 (b): Central Gibbet Street
Zone 5: Hopwood Lane and Gibbet Street above Queen’s Road
Zone 6: The top end of Parkinson Lane
Zone 7: Queen’s Road junction with Parkinson Lane and the lower end of Parkinson Lane

Between 15 March and 25 April 2021, we are asking for your feedback on the proposals. Your views are important, so please tell us what you think.
Step 1: Have a look at the information for each zone by clicking the links in the Zone descriptions above (opens in a new tab) or by opening the relevant documents at the top of this web page.
Step 2: Tell us what you think by completing the survey by clicking the button below. You can choose how many Zones you want to comment on - your feedback will be anonymous.
Please note: This survey has now CLOSED.
Responses to the consultation survey are being analysed and once complete, a report will be published on this page.
Next Steps
After the public consultation is closed on Sunday 25 April 2021, all feedback will be analysed and considered as the designs develop. There will be a further opportunity to provide feedback on more detailed proposals which will be subject to public consultation later in 2021.
Contact us
To give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation survey via the link above. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us via:
Our Q&A tool (below): Submit your questions and we will get back to you
Telephone: 0113 245 7676 (Metroline)
*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 situation, the majority of staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via email if possible.
For more information on the project visit Calderdale Council’s ‘Calderdale Next Chapter’ website by clicking this link (opens in a new tab).
For social media updates on this project and other schemes being delivered by Calderdale Council, follow us on:
Facebook: Search Calderdale Next Chapter
Round 2 of this consultation is live 4 November 2021- 19 December 2021:

Please note that this public consultation has now closed.
Thank you to all those who took part in the 'West Halifax Improved Streets for people' consultation. All survey answers, comments and suggestions are being considered in the next phase of designs, which will be subject to further public consultation.
Please find the Outcome Report, which summarises the results of the consultation and key themes in feedback received, available at the top of this webpage or by clicking the button below.

The information below was presented during the public consultation between Monday 15 March to Sunday 25 April 2021.
Calderdale Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, are working together to deliver improvements to walking in West Halifax which aim to benefit residents, businesses and visitors alike.
Options being considered include traffic calming measures, and general improvements to pavements and public space, which will help make streets in West Halifax greener, healthier and more attractive.
As well as providing an easier and safer environment for walking and improving walking links to workplaces and other services in Halifax town centre, these changes will encourage more local journeys on foot. A range of other improvements such as tree planting, seating areas, better access to bus stops and new crossing points will also complement the scheme. Changes to existing road layouts and bus priority enhancements will also be considered to make bus journeys more efficient.
The project is part of the Leeds City Region Transforming Cities Fund (TCF), a major new programme of investment that aims to create a step change in travel across the West Yorkshire region. Elements of the project are also funded by investment from the Local Transport Plan.
This is an early consultation in which we are seeking your feedback on initial ideas. This will help shape the development of more detailed proposals which will be brought back for further public consultation later in 2021.
Through this project, we want to:
- Improve health, through increased walking and improved sense of safety
- Improve local businesses, through increased footfall
- Increase opportunities, through better bus and walking connections to Halifax town centre and employment, study and onward travel opportunities
- Improve pollution and carbon emissions associated with transport, helping to address climate change
- Improve bus reliability and facilities on key routes
- Improve road safety for all users within scheme area, especially vulnerable users
- Improve streetscapes and public realm in Park Ward to encourage more active and sociable lifestyles
What has been done so far
In September 2020, Calderdale Council conducted a ‘Streets for People’ engagement survey with residents of West Halifax to find out how people felt about getting around the streets in their area. Inconsiderate driving was the biggest problem named for the area and 70% of people who answered the survey said these were also other major problems:
- Speeding and anti-social driving
- Inconsiderate parking, including on pavements.
- People also said they felt unsafe, especially after dark
The top suggestions for improvements people would like to see were:
- Cleaner streets, including general maintenance and cleaning, and clearing overgrown footpaths
- More and better crossings
- Preventing pavement parking
- Better street lighting
- More benches and places to rest
The proposals are presented in seven ‘Zone’ locations which are featured in the map below. On this webpage you will find information including plans and pictures to help you understand what is proposed. We have also provided answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which you can find on this project webpage. The Zones we are consulting on are:
Zone 1: Pellon Lane Area near Aldi and Beech Hill
Zone 2: The bottom end of Hanson Lane and the Gibbet Street section by Jamia Mosque Madni
Zone 3: Gibbet Street from Rhodes Street towards Town
Zone 4 (a): Queens Road ‘High Street’
Zone 4 (b): Central Gibbet Street
Zone 5: Hopwood Lane and Gibbet Street above Queen’s Road
Zone 6: The top end of Parkinson Lane
Zone 7: Queen’s Road junction with Parkinson Lane and the lower end of Parkinson Lane

Between 15 March and 25 April 2021, we are asking for your feedback on the proposals. Your views are important, so please tell us what you think.
Step 1: Have a look at the information for each zone by clicking the links in the Zone descriptions above (opens in a new tab) or by opening the relevant documents at the top of this web page.
Step 2: Tell us what you think by completing the survey by clicking the button below. You can choose how many Zones you want to comment on - your feedback will be anonymous.
Please note: This survey has now CLOSED.
Responses to the consultation survey are being analysed and once complete, a report will be published on this page.
Next Steps
After the public consultation is closed on Sunday 25 April 2021, all feedback will be analysed and considered as the designs develop. There will be a further opportunity to provide feedback on more detailed proposals which will be subject to public consultation later in 2021.
Contact us
To give your feedback on the proposals, please take part in the consultation survey via the link above. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us via:
Our Q&A tool (below): Submit your questions and we will get back to you
Telephone: 0113 245 7676 (Metroline)
*Please note that, due to the COVID-19 situation, the majority of staff are working from home and therefore there will be significant delays in receiving any postal contributions. It is strongly recommended that you contact us via email if possible.
For more information on the project visit Calderdale Council’s ‘Calderdale Next Chapter’ website by clicking this link (opens in a new tab).
For social media updates on this project and other schemes being delivered by Calderdale Council, follow us on:
Facebook: Search Calderdale Next Chapter